A new Midtown Town Centre vision for the Canada Square site at Yonge and Eglinton has been developed by the Midtown Working Group and endorsed by Midtown Councillors Josh Matlow, Mike Colle and Jaye Robinson. This vision is a once-in-a-century legacy city-building opportunity on City-owned land, for what will soon be the second most significant transit hub – right in the middle of Toronto.
The Town Centre will provide sorely needed education, childcare, affordable housing, innovative jobs, cultural amenities, green space, town square, and community services and facilities. I believe it is essential that the City endorse this vision and do everything possible to bring it to life.
The Midtown Working Group achieved unanimous support for this shared vision in a mere six weeks. The group includes Councillors Colle, Matlow and Robinson; TDSB Trustees Rachel Chernos-Lin and Shelley Laskin, the Central Eglinton Community Centre, the Midtown Business Improvement Association, the Federation of North Toronto Residents’ Associations, ten residents’ associations and other community members that cover the length and breadth of Midtown.
The Midtown Working Group is asking for residents to support the new vision at the upcoming Planning and Housing Committee meeting on June 28th, 2021.