Don Valley West By-election – Virtual Candidates’ Meeting

A Toronto City Council by-election will be held in Don Valley West on Monday, November 4, 2024 to replace long-time councillor Jaye Robinson.

SEDRA has joined with many other residents’ associations in Don Valley West to host a virtual candidates’ meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, starting at 7:00 PM

SEND IN YOUR QUESTIONS! You can send us questions for all or individual candidates by e-mail to: moc.l1739362740iamg@1739362740setad1739362740idnac1739362740.51dr1739362740aw.ks1739362740a1739362740 no later than Monday, October 14 at 6:00 PM.

In order to help inform voters about the candidates, SEDRA has joined with several other Don Valley West residents’ associations to ask the candidates a series of questions.

Candidate answers can be viewed here.

The full list of candidates is here. This page also shows contact information for the candidates. SEDRA encourages you to reach out to the candidates and share your concerns.

If you need details on the by-election and how to vote in it, the City of Toronto has you covered.