Midtown in Focus Study – A 25-year plan for our neighbourhoods

In response to the significant growth and intensification in our area, in 2015 city planning initiated a comprehensive planning review of midtown. The initiative was sponsored by the three area councillors, including terrific support from our councillor, Josh Matlow. The proposed plan sets out a 25-year vision for midtown and the SERRA area that emphasizes the importance of complete communities and the diversity of midtown’s character areas. It is still a draft, but expected to be completed by Q2/2018.

SERRA members have spent countless hours working with city planners to provide input and commentary on the secondary plan and we are very pleased with how comprehensive and detailed the plan has become. There are still sections to be completed and fine-tuning required with a target date of Q2/2018 for final completion.

Some of the highlights of the new plan are:

1) unlike the current version of the Secondary Plan, it recognizes 23 distinct “character” areas as diverse as the Y-E intersection and Bayview Village.

2) each “character” area was researched and a unique vision and detailed plan developed.

3) the plan is very comprehensive and addresses key elements needed to sustain a liveable community, such as land-use (what you are allowed to build) built form (how tall and dense), heritage (potential), community services + facilities, parks and open spaces, public realm (sidewalks, etc.), housing types and (still to be completed) transportation and infrastructure.

4) it is very detailed in that it prescribes specific heights for tall towers for EACH location, where tall towers are permitted.

5) it increases protection for existing tall tower residents with increased  building separations, etc.

6) it has language to ensure future development scales with availability of infrastructure

7) it complies with the latest provincial planning policies

8) it asks that these draft regulations be used immediately by city planners when evaluating current and new development applications

Information sessions will be hosted with city planners  to review the draft plan. Your input at that meeting will help craft an even better blueprint for our area. (Stay tuned for details on date and location.)

Click here to read more about the plan and to access the full city report, go to the City of Toronto website at http://www.toronto.ca/ and search “Midtown in Focus” or click here for the background report.