November 2018 Update / Report by South Eglinton Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association (A. Gort)
When adopting the MIF: Final Report, City Council asked for a series of reports and actions from City staff that are relevant to the effective implementation of the MIF Plan (in the form of amendments). Here is a link to the City Council Decision for agenda item PG31.7 of July 23, 2018:
The relevant points are item #7, and #9 to #30. Below is a summary:
1) MIF: Final report
City Planning to seek the approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs of the Official Plan Amendment (Attachment 1), as amended under section 26 of the Planning Act (#7). Timeline?
2) Transportation
Surface transit priority routes and dedicated cycling facility – to bring forward recommendations and capital costs by the 2Q/2019 (#17, #19d and #20d,e).
Yonge Line 1 capacity deficiencies – prepare assessment of the impact of development growth in the Y-E area and along the Yonge St corridor with a proposal to ease crowding, including costs by the 4Q/2019 (#27, # 19d and # 20.e)
On-street Parking review in conjunction with surface transit plan by 2Q/2019 (#18).
3) Parks and Public Realm
Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan to guide parkland acquisitions and improvements in Midtown (#12).
City to prepare infrastructure implementation strategy for Parks & Public Realm (#19a). City to prepare by 2Q/2019 a priority parkland acquisitions and parkland improvement plan by 2Q/2019 (#20a,e).
Prepare a technical feasibility study for decking the open Yonge Line subway trench and Davisville TTC yard to create additional park space, including a scope of work by 2Q/2019 (#13, #14, #20b,e).
Identification of a new local park site in NE quadrant of Y-E area (#22)
Develop new By-law to enact alternative way to calculate parkland dedication for future development applications by 2Q/2019 (#15, #30).
4) Heritage
Undertake study of Glebe Manor Estates (Yonge to Bayview and Millwood to Manor) as a potential Heritage Conservation District (#10).
Preparations of heritage guidelines for development on “main streets”, located in the Midtown Villages (#11).
5) Community Services
Endorse the Midtown Community Services and Facilities Strategy to inform the development application review process and to guide implementation of Community Services in Midtown (#16). Prepare implementation strategy, including daycare by 2Q/2019 (#19b, #20c,e).
6) Affordable Housing
Examine and support opportunities for affordable and market rental housing developments in the Y-E area and report in 1H/2019 (#21).
7) Educational facilities
Meet with senior staff TDSB and Provincial Ministry of Education to explore funding needs for local schools and to identify potential site for a new school to accommodate 800 pupils in the Y-E area in the 1Q/2019 (#23, #24).
Toronto City solicitor to support TDSB requests for Party Status in LPAT (Local Planning Appeal Tribunal) hearings associated with site specific development applications in the Y-E area and to secure appropriate conditions of approval re. educational facilities (#25, #26).
8) Physical Infrastructure
Coordinate and Prepare infrastructure implementation strategies for municipal servicing capital upgrades in coordination with improvements required to public street network. Ensure inclusion in the 10-year capital plan by the 2Q/2019 (#19c, #20e).
9) Davisville TTC Yards
In addition to reviewing the grounds as a potential location for a signature park, review on-site TTC facilities requirements and conduct a land use and built form review with development priority of office, institutional and cultural uses (#14b,c).
10) Holding Provisions
Consider applying Holding (H) provisions for lack of physical infrastructure and community services facilities for development applications in the Y-E area (#28, #29).