Davisville Village Greenways (DVGs)

Residents of Davisville are only too aware of the stress on our neighbourhood because of unprecedented development at Yonge and Eglinton and on the City-designated ‘Avenues’: Yonge St., Mt. Pleasant Rd., and Bayview Ave.

Hence the theme of our recent AGM: “Take Back our Neighbourhood.”

One way of reclaiming some of the calm, walkable elements we have always treasured in Davisville Village is through the development of a network of paths or ‘greenways’. These will offer alternatives for pedestrians and cyclists so they can avoid the traffic-clogged, noisy main streets.

These greenways would link Eglinton to the Beltline and Mt. Pleasant Cemetery to Oriole Park, June Rowlands Park, the North Toronto Memorial Community Centre, and the proposed Davisville Community Hub. Residents would have a safe, pleasant way to reach parks, schools, shops and restaurants.

As well, we need more mid-block connections to break up the long east-west streets of our neighbourhood.

SERRA is working alongside City planners and our Councillor, Josh Matlow, to bring our plan to fruition (see attached map), and has requested the following:

1) All greenways maintained by the City year round
2) New greenways throughout the neighbourhood
3) A healthy tree canopy, with new plantings and maintenance of existing plantings
4) Effective lighting and enhanced way-finding signage

The Serra Greenways map is above.