Public Consultation Meeting for 45 Balliol St (with 57-93 Balliol St)

On Tuesday May 10, 2022, from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M., the City of Toronto will be holding a virtual meeting to discuss a Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Application for 45, 57-93 Balliol St.

Toronto City Planning has submitted their Preliminary Report January 25, 2022, to Toronto and East York Community Council.


This report provides information and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition applications submitted for the lands at 45 and 57-93 Balliol Street. The proposal is to demolish 19 two-storey rental townhouses at 57-93 Balliol Street and construct a 39-storey residential building with 507 dwelling units, including 19 rental replacement units and a new 435 square metre public park.

Staff are currently reviewing the applications, which have been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. City Planning staff will proceed to schedule a Community Consultation Meeting for the applications, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.

SEDRA’s position (as submitted to Toronto and East York Community Council)

The South Eglinton Davisville Residents’ Association (SEDRA) welcomes the Preliminary Report as prepared by City Planning and is strongly in support of the comments raised in the report.


  • The proposed height of the tower and base building in relation to the existing and planned built form context of the area including massing, transition and scale
  • The potential impacts associated with the proposed building’s massing, including but not limited to wind and shadowing of nearby parks and open spaces and the public realm
  • The orientation and position of the proposed tower and base building in relation to the proposed open space on the site
  • The proposed mix and sizes of dwelling units by bedroom type
  • The proposed locations, layouts, and sizes of the 19 replacement rental units within the building
  • The provision of an acceptable tenant relocation and assistance plan that addresses the right for existing tenants of 57-93 Balliol Street to return to one of the replacement rental units at similar rents, the provision of alternative accommodation at similar rents as demolition and construction are underway, and other assistance to mitigate hardship
  • The securing of the rental tenure of the existing apartment building at 45 Balliol Street for a period of at least 20 years from the date the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments come into force and effect
  • The provision of needed improvements to the rental apartment building at 45 Balliol Street to extend the life of the building and to improve amenities, without pass-through of the costs of such improvements to tenants
  • Opportunities to provide affordable rental housing units in the development
  • The potential for non-residential uses within the proposed base building to serve the needs of the local community
  • The location and amount of proposed indoor and outdoor amenity space
  • The provision of high-quality building materials and on-site landscaping
  • The size and configuration of the proposed on-site park
  • The opportunity for consolidation of driveway access with the existing driveway to the west at 45 Balliol Street
  • The opportunity for a north-south midblock connection from Balliol Street to Merton Street
  • The appropriateness of the proposed tree removal, preservation, and replanting plans

What are we asking for?

We believe there are opportunities to widen the existing Al Green laneway through garage access consolidation with 45 Balliol St., as mentioned above, and increase the allotted park space in the proposed application to benefit new residents to the neighbourhood as well as existing residents and community.

In addition, we are also seriously concerned about yet another Davisville area development adding to the cumulative impact of overdevelopment in this neighbourhood.


The population of the Davisville neighbourhood (Yonge-Davisville-Mt Pleasant-Merton) is expected to grow from 9,000 residents (2016 Canada Census) to approximately 18,000 residents as a result of already constructed as well as contemplated developments.

On a cumulative basis, the neighbourhood lacks community services such as schools, affordable daycare, recreation facilities, social services, and parks, open spaces, public realm, and high-quality landscaping to support this development.

Transportation infrastructure (both active and vehicular) dates back to the residential neighbourhood of the 60s. At peak hours, the area experiences significant traffic congestion and is at serious risk of pedestrian/cycling safety incidents. A comprehensive transportation study for the neighbourhood is urgently needed and improvements such as widening of sidewalks are recommended.

Register for the Public Consultation

(in addition, includes 50-64 Merton St. and 289-299 Balliol St.